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Silicon Valley 1. Sezon 7. Bölüm izle

Dizi Adı: Silicon Valley
Bölüm Adı: Proof of Concept
Sezon/Bölüm: 1. Sezon 7. Bölüm
Yayın Tarihi: 18 May. 2014
Bölüm Konusu (Dikkat Sporiler içerebilir!)

At TechCrunch Disrupt, Richard feels the pressure to finish his demo, but finds himself distracted by a girl he dated briefly, who’s now spreading rumors about him. Jared worries that Monica is taking his place in the company. Dinesh develops a crush on a girl at a neighboring booth. Erlich’s scandalous past connection to one of the judges threatens Pied Piper’s chances.


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