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Fallen 1. Sezon 7. Bölüm izle

Dizi Adı: Fallen
Bölüm Adı: The Storm
Sezon/Bölüm: 1. Sezon 7. Bölüm
Yayın Tarihi: 12 Ağu. 2024
Bölüm Konusu (Dikkat Sporiler içerebilir!)

Miss Miriam reveals some of Sword and Cross’s secrets to the residents. As they reel from the revelations, Luce has her own issues. Daniel has rejected her, worried that she will be cursed to die an early death if she stays with him. Furthermore, the Shadows have shown her a vision of Penn’s death, and she struggles to figure out what it means. When Luce and Daniel learn that Penn is planning to leave to find her father-Luce talks her into staying for her own safety. But Penn breaks her promise.


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