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Pretty Little Liars 7. Sezon 13. Bölüm (Türkçe Dublaj) izle

Dizi Adı: Pretty Little Liars
Bölüm Adı: Hold Your Piece
Sezon/Bölüm: 7. Sezon 13. Bölüm
Yayın Tarihi: 2 May. 2017
Bölüm Konusu (Dikkat Sporiler içerebilir!)

Hanna is sure Jenna is to blame for a recent professional setback and is forced to bring Caleb up to speed on current events. Aria and Emily team up to investigate Sydney for more information about Jenna and her connection to A.D. Spencer grows closer to Detective Furey, while Aria struggles with her current situation with Ezra. Hanna’s turn at the game is more intense than she bargained for and leads to shocking consequences.


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