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Love Lab 1. Sezon 4. Bölüm (Anime) izle

Dizi Adı: Love Lab
Bölüm Adı: Love Lab Resumes! Or So We Thought...
Sezon/Bölüm: 1. Sezon 4. Bölüm
Yayın Tarihi: 25 Tem. 2013
Bölüm Konusu (Dikkat Sporiler içerebilir!)

With the student council finally repaired, Yuiko and Sayori join Riko and co. in their love lessons. As the lessons continue, Natsuo comes up with a new scenario for meeting a guy while hailing Riko as the teacher of their group. Yuiko and Sayori question why and learn that she has past relationship experience, shocking Riko that her lie is growing even larger, while silently Sayori doesn’t seem to believe it. Afterwards the girls discuss blind dating. The next day the girls discuss how to attract guys by changing their hairstyles and Riko laments to herself that her own short hair hadn’t done much for her on that front. Afterwards, Natsuo reports that they had received an anonymous note in the suggestion box from a girl asking for help on buying a present for a guy. Riko agrees to ask some guys on their preferences before she realizes that she can just obtain the information from magazines. Although, Sayori continues to pressure Riko, even giving her a camera to take pictures of the guy’s she will ask. Yuiko starts teasing Natsuo about the “lingerie” prompting Yuiko and Sayori reveal to Riko and Suzune that Natsuo’s family owns a lingerie company and her father had made a rather embarrassing promotional video and even named a training bra after her. Afterwards, Riko decides to take cram school and ask her past school mates about their preferences. As Sayori continues to pressure Riko, Suzune calls Sayori on her behavior causing her to back off, while silently admitting that it would be better if Riko had just confessed the lie. The next day, Riko returns with the results from her fellow cram school friends and the girls find that guy’s preferences aren’t what they had envisioned. Although, a new problem arises; how to let the anonymous girl know the results, to which Riko comes up with an idea of using their school’s break time announcements.


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