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Senki Zesshou Symphogear 3. Sezon 13. Bölüm (Anime) izle

Dizi Adı: Senki Zesshou Symphogear
Bölüm Adı: Believe in Justice, and Hold It Close
Sezon/Bölüm: 3. Sezon 13. Bölüm
Yayın Tarihi: 26 Eyl. 2015
Bölüm Konusu (Dikkat Sporiler içerebilir!)

Believing miracles were the thing that condemned her father to death, Carol spreads Alca-Noise across the city, the Symphogear wielders, sensing that Carol is feeling alone, fight against them. Just then, Carol prepares her ultimate weapon, a giant metal beast, but Hibiki, supported by her friends and her Armed Gear, powers through to defeat it. Just as the beast is about to explode into a miniature sun, Hibiki reaches out to save Carol, who finally remembers her father’s goal; to help people understand each other. Three days later, as Carol’s whereabouts remain unknown, Hibiki laments over not being able to do much for Elfnein’s declining condition, but Miku gives her some support. Later that night, Elfnein is approached by Carol, who appears to have lost all of her memories, stating her desire to live and merging with Carol to become one. Afterwards, Hibiki rekindles her relationship with her father and helps their family reunite, while Elfnein becomes a member of S.O.N.G., who analyze the data left behind by Ver.


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