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Viktor bringt’s 1. Sezon 3. Bölüm izle

Dizi Adı: Viktor bringt's
Bölüm Adı: Just True Love
Sezon/Bölüm: 1. Sezon 3. Bölüm
Yayın Tarihi: 30 May. 2024
Bölüm Konusu (Dikkat Sporiler içerebilir!)

Viktor and Mika are sucked into a marital spat between Nora and Paul, a couple who seem hopelessly overwhelmed by a combination of working from home and raising their young twins. This makes it all the more critical that the expensive espresso machine delivers the longed-for coffee! Yet somehow, between tarot cards and bizarre insults, father and son again get to know each other a little better.


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